Hammered by gun huggers, Obama’s feeble efforts at sensible gun regulation expose the extreme power of NRA, its minions…
–Gareth Porter follows up on Sy Hersh’s pre-holiday bombshell, that Pentagon leaders undermined Obama by secret, indirect support for Assad in Syrua
—NY Times editorial slams Pentagon for “insubordination” in delaying and blocking prisoner releases from Guantanamo
–under pressure from Dr. Jeff Kaye and others, American Psychological Assn finally bans its members from participating in interrogations at Gitmo, elsewhere
–NSA wiretapped Israeli phone calls to US lawmakers over Iran deal, exposing Israeli leaks of secret negotiations and attempts to bribe members of Congress
–we pause to honor listener Cassandra Troy, prolific promoter of the PBC podcast who died just after her 68th birthday
–and we praise listener and VP/marketing Del Leonard from Maine, for suggesting our in-depth interview with Prof. Ken Geiser, author of Chemicals Without Harm. In this excerpt, Geiser talks about the co-location of chemical plants and poor people
–the Bundy gang’s occupation of Oregon wildlife refuge is covered in BoilingFrogsPost
–in op-ed,Natasha Lennard isn’t laughing at liberals’ jokes about the armed occupiers
–Turkey releases Vice reporter it locked up for 4 months
–Steve Horn rolled out two important reports exposing Obama administration’s actions on behalf of energy companies that conflict with climate change agenda, here and here
–near Los Angeles, Porter Ranch fracking well is leaking massive amounts of gas, forcing residents to move
–Bernie Sanders pledges to break up big banks in his first year, takes swipes at Clintons’ cozy ties to bankers
–our official film reviewer, Gary Chew, reviews The Big Short, about the mortgage meltdown of 2008
PBC News & Comment: Obama’s Action on Gun Buyer Background Checks Exposes Ugly Realities